Batrachian was founded in 1996 or thereabouts. We are a "bedroom" or "garage" band using mostly electronic instrumentation. A potted bio follows...

Batrachian is Jonathan Elliott (the tall one) and Shane Pinnington (the short one). These individuals have, between them, had more than 30 years in the Hobart music scene, although both will probably tell you that it seems like longer. Jonathan has played in bands specialising in genres ranging from goth rock to pub rock to ambient and techno and Shane is a veteran bass player from ska and punk bands.

Apart from the core members, the band has a number of regular collaborators. They are (in no particular order) "Dodgy" Steve Patterson, Emily "Eminemily" Swann, Charles Holyman and Richard Levis.

The band's influences are diverse, ranging from Kraut Rock (look it up) and early electronic music to current bands such as Underworld and Orbital. Batrachian are a viable performing band and are noted for their slick live shows. In hiatus for nearly two years, the band is about to come out of hibernation with oodles of new material and a surprisingly similar live look and sound. We shall rise up again and the streets shall run crimson slick with the blood of our enemies. Or something like that.

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